Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have read on yahoo and other blogs about young teens being bullied. One is a 11yo boy that is a cheerleader at his school. Bullies broke his arm. Another is a 13yo boy who was openly gay that was teased and bullied that he hung himself from a tree in his backyard. He was taken off life support Tuesday and passed away shortly after. I myself was bullied all throughout my high school years. Now reading all these stories of young people being bullied so much that they are assaulted or they think that they have to harm themselves is wrong. If you are being bullied please tell someone. I know that it is not the cool thing to tell someone that you are being bullied. I myself kept it inside. When I did finally tell someone no-one believed me because my bully was on the wrestling team. It went on till i graduated from high school. There will always be bullies in the world but if all the people that are being bullied come together as one, we can end bullying. I am setting up this blog to post stories of bullying and to get it out there that bullying is going on. If you have a bullying story to share I will be setting up a email address soon to send the story to me and I will post it here if you want me too.